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Common superfoods

Regularly eating fruits and vegetables also has strong associations with a lower risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions and overall mortality.

The nutrients they contain help promote a healthy complexion, nails, and hair and increase energy levels. They can also help maintain a healthy weight. 


The higher levels of flavonoids in berries have been shown to lower the risk of a heart attack. A few commonly identified superfood berries include Acai berries, blueberriesraspberries, tart cherries, cranberries, and goji berries.

They boast the following benefits:

  • Acai berries: These are small, dark purple berries grown in South America. They contain 19 amino acids and many antioxidants.
  • Blueberries: These are high in fiber, manganese, and vitamin K. Cranberries are high in a particular flavonoid that helps lower the risk of urinary tract infection.
  • Goji berries: These are a small red berry native to Asia that are high in vitamin C and E, along with many different types of flavonoids. They are frequently used in Eastern medicine to help treat diabetes and high blood pressure and maintain eye, liver, and kidney health.


Soybeans have a high concentration of isoflavones, a phytochemical. A few studies have shown that soy may prevent age-related memory loss. Soy isoflavones might also reduce bone loss and increase bone mineral density during menopause and decrease menopausal symptoms.


Tea contains few calories, helps with hydration, and is a good source of antioxidants.

Catechins, potent antioxidants found primarily in green tea, have beneficial anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. Green tea may also have an anti-arthritic effect by suppressing overall inflammation.

 Leafy greens

People often identify kalespinachSwiss chard, beet greens, and collard greens as superfood leafy greens. These foods are rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K and many B vitamins. Leafy greens also contain an abundance of carotenoids, iron, magnesiumpotassium, and calcium.


The high omega-3 fatty acid content in salmon and other fatty fish, such as trout and herring, can decrease the risk of abnormal heartbeats, reduce cholesterol and slow the growth of arterial plaque.

 Add these superfoods to your diet; see our meal plans here! Eat Clean, Live Lean, Clean Meals Miami.